We invest thematically in high-quality assets, focusing on where we see outsized growth potential driven by global economic and demographic trends. We have invested successfully through all market cycles and across the entire risk spectrum.
Tactical Opportunities
Over time, we have proven that we can make successful investments that traditional managers either don’t or can’t. NREP was among the first real estate operators to identify the 2008 dislocation in capital markets and the opportunity to buy superior assets from foreclosures at deep discounts. We implemented a large-scale buy-and-sell strategy of single-family residences, investing in over 1000 foreclosed properties between 2008 and 2012. It was a differentiated and unique strategy that generated outsized returns for our investors.
We believe there are always superior strategic opportunities for those with the skillset and the talent to see and act on what others don’t. Our team moves swiftly to provide opportunistic capital, timely investing decisions, and differentiated solutions. Whether in times of stability or volatility, in good markets, or in bad, windows of opportunity open and close without warning. We use our decades of experience and respond dynamically, moving with confidence and discipline to capture opportunities that other investors often miss.