We invest thematically in high-quality assets, focusing on where we see outsized growth potential driven by global economic and demographic trends. We have invested successfully through all market cycles and across the entire risk spectrum.
Credit Solutions
Our real estate lending business provides creative and comprehensive financing solutions for companies and managers across the capital structure and risk spectrum. We originate loans and invest in debt securities underpinned by high-quality real estate. With an average of over 20 years of industry experience, our investment professionals have operated through multiple industry cycles and have developed a long-term view of the market.
Our credit strategies rely on bottom-up fundamental analysis and investing discipline. Given the depth and breadth of our expertise, we are also able to source differentiated investments and commit capital. Our loan strategies are also rooted in fundamental credit analysis and can be complemented by our proprietary systematic credit selection process. We are a pioneer in deploying a technology-enabled, fundamental-based, systematic approach to credit investing.
NREP pursues debt investments by originating senior secured loans, mezzanine, preferred equity investments, and opportunistic or distressed debt. Our mezzanine strategy has a flexible mandate that provides privately negotiated capital to companies in connection with acquisitions, recapitalizations, and growth financings. At the same time, our opportunistic and distressed solutions allow us to partner with companies in duress where flexible capital is most needed.
As a lender, we are a valued partner to real estate investors and operators known for our speed, flexibility, and certainty of execution in complex situations. In addition, we are a leading provider of proprietary bridge financing underwriting, filling the void in the marketplace as banks substantially curtailed real estate lending after the housing financial crisis.